Thursday, 16 December 2010

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

During the construction of my magazine there has been a few problems accessing technology which has made it hard to produce work of a high standard in these challenging circumstances.  Spite these problems i have used laptops at school and my own computer to create my magazine. The majority of my work was done on my own computer. 

 I created my magazine using desktop publisher.

To transfer my work from one computer to another a used a memory stick as this was more efficient than emailing myself my work.

To take pictures for my magazine i used my own camera from home (samsung).  To edit my images i used a programme called Adobe Photo shop Elements 2.0
Below of some of the images that i edited
I created my fonts on as this website contained the font that i wanted to use for my magazine which is found on the double page spread.
I then edited my font which i had found on on fireworks.
In addition to this I created a blog account using “Blogger” to post all of my research and evaluation.

To transfer my magazine content on to my blog i print screened them from viewing them in print preview and then copied them onto paint before saving and uploading onto my blog.

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