Thursday, 9 December 2010

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

1 – The Title of the Magazine
For the masthead of my magazine i used 'Times New Roman' as my font for the 'La Mode' part, as i thought that this went well with the conventions of a fashion magazine.  It is written in a simple font because, from my research i found that the majority of fashion magazines used a simple font, which i think looked more effective.  I created my masthead in desktop publisher using a text box.  I did this because, the font that i wanted to use was there so i didn't need to look anywhere else.
I was influenced to call my magazine 'La Mode' because, France is the fashion capital of the world and so, the use of using the foreign language French in my title ,connotes to my audience that the magazine is a fashion magazine. 
My masthead was written in the colour blue, as from my research it followed the conventions of a winter fashion magazine, and stereotypically i think that it is winter colour as it connotes perhaps ice/icey weather.  

2-Genre And How Your Magazine Suggest It
The genre of my magazine is Fashion.  This is quite clear throughout my magazine because of the pictures on display.  For example the frequent change of clothing photographed of my model, show that the main thing being advertised is the clothes.  In addition to this, the cover lines on the front cover and in the contents page all have an involvement in fashion and the way you look.

3- Images
I included original photography of a young, beautiful female which i think helps to catch the essence of a fashion magazine because, stereotypically fashion is about looking good.  I included images of my model wearing a variety of different clothes in different poses as this follows the conventions of a fashion magazine.  I took these photos on the upcoming weeks to producing my magazine cover, contents and double page spread.

4- Costumes and Props
The costumes i used throughout my magazine followed the codes and conventions of a fashion magazine.  As i did a winter special, the clothes modelled were winter clothes.  For example i used a stylish coat with a fur hood.  My model wore a decent amount of make-up but not too much.  I used eye shadows that matched the house colours of the magazine.  For my magazine i didn't use any props because, for my magazine they weren't need and they didn't follow the conventions of  a fashion magazine.

5- Models
The model used in my magazine is conventional to my magazine.  The female i used on the cover was a friend.  I chose her because, i think that she looks the part and is photogenic and follows the conventions.  For example, Slim and pretty.  I chose to use a young model because, my target audience is fairly young and so they will be able to relate with my magazine.  On my front cover, contents page and double page spread i used different images of the same model.   On the Front cover i positioned my model in the centre because, from my research the model is conventionally positioned centrally which i think work's well.  This is pretty much the same for my contents page and double page spread.  I did this because it looks effective and follows the codes and conventions. 

6- Typography
They typography throughout my magazine is very similar if not the same.  For my Cover lines, contents and interviews on my double page spread i used the Font 'Berlin Sans FB'.  I used this font because i think that it is a simple but effective font which goes well with the layout of my magazine and follows the conventions.  They colour of the typography throughout my magazine is pretty much the same.  It follows the same colours throughout.  It is either blue, black or grey. 

7- Layout
The layout of my magazine is pretty conventional.  I think that is highlighted on my double page spread which, displays and interview in columns which are moulded around my centre image.  From the research i have found that is quite common and therefore it follows the conventions of a fashion magazine.  All my photos i think are arranged quite neatly with white backgrounds which blend in wit the background.  My front covers follows the layout conventions as the masthead is positioned at the top of the page with the cover lines around my central image.  Also my bar code is positioned at the bottom of my magazine is the right hand corner which the majority of fashion magazines that i have researched also do. 

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